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All Widgets

This macro demonstrates all the widgets available. If you would like to see more widgets added, feel free to open an issue or dm me on discord @brinkokevin.

local MacroTypes = require(game.ServerStorage.MacroTypes)

local isChecked = false
local function render(api: MacroTypes.api)
-- Simple label
api.label("Hello, World!")

-- Simple heading
api.heading("Hello, World!")

-- Heading with custom font
api.heading("Hello, World!", {
font = Font.fromName("Bangers", Enum.FontWeight.ExtraBold, Enum.FontStyle.Normal),
api.heading("Hello, World!", {
font = Enum.Font.ArimoBold,

-- Error message
api.error("Failed to execute macro!")

-- Button
local button = api.button("Hello, World!")
if button:clicked() then
print("Button was clicked!")

-- Uncontrolled checkbox
local checkbox = api.checkbox("Uncontrolled checkbox")
if checkbox:clicked() then
print("Checkbox was clicked, current state: " .. tostring(checkbox:getValue()))

-- Controlled checkbox
local controlledCheckbox = api.checkbox("Controlled checkbox", {
checked = isChecked,
if controlledCheckbox:clicked() then
isChecked = not isChecked
print("Controlled checkbox was clicked, current state: " .. tostring(isChecked))

-- Disabled checkbox
api.checkbox("Disabled checkbox", {
checked = isChecked,
disabled = true,

-- Simple Number input
local ageInput = api.numberinput("Age")
if ageInput:valueChanged() then
print("New age: " .. tostring(ageInput:getValue()))

-- Number input with constraints
local numberInput = api.numberinput("Radius", {
default = 30,
min = 0,
max = 100,
if numberInput:valueChanged() then
print("New value: " .. tostring(numberInput:getValue()))

-- String input with no default value
local stringInput = api.stringinput("String Input")
if stringInput:valueChanged() then
print("New string: " .. tostring(stringInput:getValue()))

-- String input with default value
local defaultStringInput = api.stringinput("String Input with default value", {
default = "Hello, World!",
if defaultStringInput:valueChanged() then
print("New string: " .. tostring(defaultStringInput:getValue()))

return {
title = "Example: All Widgets",
layoutOrder = 5,
render = render,

All Widgets

Load Character

Load Character is a simple macro that loads a character into the workspace. It's a good example of how to use the api object to create StringInput, Checkbox and a Button component.

-- MacroTypes provides the API types to luau, if you don't care about types you don't have to use it
local MacroTypes = require(game.ServerStorage.MacroTypes)

-- ChangeHistoryService is used to record changes in studio, this allows us to undo the changes we make
local ChangeHistoryService = game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

-- Insert Character is a helper function for our macro, it's not related to Easy Macros
local function insertCharacter(username: string, isR6: boolean)
-- Start recording the changes we make to the workspace
local id = ChangeHistoryService:TryBeginRecording("LoadCharacter")

-- Get the userId of the player
local userId = game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(username)
-- Get the humanoid description of the player
local humanoidDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userId)
-- Create a model from the humanoid description
local rigType = isR6 and Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 or Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15
local model = game.Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(humanoidDescription, rigType)
model:PivotTo( *, 0, -25)).Position))
model.Name = username
model.Parent = workspace

-- Finish recording the changes we made
if id then
ChangeHistoryService:FinishRecording(id, Enum.FinishRecordingOperation.Commit)

-- Render function is called every frame, it's where you define the UI components of your macro
local function render(api: MacroTypes.api)
-- Render the UI components
local usernameInput = api.stringinput("Username", {
default = "brinkokevin",
local r6Checkbox = api.checkbox("Create R6 character")
local insertButton = api.button("Insert Character")

-- clicked is a function that returns true if the button was clicked
-- Once clicked is read, it resets to false until the button is clicked again
if insertButton:clicked() then
-- Get the values of the UI components
local username = usernameInput:getValue()
local isR6 = r6Checkbox:getValue()
-- We use task.spawn to avoid yielding the render function,
-- since loading the character can take a moment
-- and we are not allowed to yield inside the render function
task.spawn(insertCharacter, username or "brinkokevin", isR6)

return {
-- The title of the macro
title = "Example: Load Character",
-- The order in which the macro appears in the menu
layoutOrder = 2,
-- The function that defines the UI components of the macro
render = render,

Load Character

More Examples Coming Soon

If you have a macro you'd like to share, feel free to submit a pull request to add it to the documentation! If you are not familiar with github, you can also dm me on discord @brinkokevin